Now that the shine lasts longer, all that is needed is a dust with a dry cloth or a wipe over with a damp cloth every so often. However not everybody is using environmental friendly products and years of polishing with incorrect products and techniques, can have serious effects on antique pieces. We cannot emphasis enough the importance of using the correct metal polish and metal polishing techniques.
Our video Polishing Metal Antiques gives a step by step approach to polishing these coveted and much cherished items. By following the advice in the video, you will keep your antiques in good condition for many years to come. However over polishing is something different altogether.

This lovely 1700's brass candlestick was saved from the scrap bin so that we can use it to illustrate the disastrous effect of over polishing and the use of incorrect polish.
Metal polish contains two basic ingredients, abrasives and a liquid cleaning component. The abrasives are required to remove the hard oxide layer on the metal surface, and the liquid component cleans the surface.
Most environment unfriendly metal polishes contain acid or ammonia as the liquid cleaning agent and hence are commonly referred to as anhydrous chemicals. Both acid and ammonia are bad for metal antiques for the following reasons.


Both acid and ammonia are relatively cheap components that speeds up the oxidation process, so the more you use these products, the more you have to use them. Good for the metal polish manufacturers profit but not so good for your wallet nor your antiques.
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc and ammonia dissolves zinc. Look closely at old brass items and you will usually see small pit holes in the surface. This is known as pitting corrosion caused by a process called dezincification where the zinc has been dissolved leaving a hole, pit or crater.
Also the abrasives used in modern metal polish are usually much too hard or incorrect for the surface being polished and will either scratch or wear the surface away. Cheap metal polishes usually contain harsh components that give a quick shine that does not last and causes long term damage. Where metal polish is concerned, you really get what you pay for.
Be kind to your antiques and use a modern environmental friendly polish, the caring way to a high lustre long lasting shine.