
Humans have used metal objects to help and assist then in their daily endeavours. Before electricity, creating fire and light was a major problem and as a consequence a whole industry, terminology and paraphernalia accompanied the ritual of lighting the fire and making light. Metal has played a major part in cooking through the ages and even today we us a range of metal items when preparing, cooking and serving food and drink. However the shape and types of metals used has changed over time and some are no longer used today. Jelly moulds, ale warmers, bed warmers, wax jacks, chamber sticks, taper sticks, snuffers and trays, trivets, footmen, sadirons, fenders and firedogs were all items in everyday use that our ancestors took for granted that today makes an enjoyable collecting area.

Benham & Froud

  • Time To Read: approximately 5 minutes 20 seconds for 961 words
Benham & Froud Jelly MouldWe all know Benham & Froud and the fabulous copper cookware and jelly moulds they made, but the company was known for everything from world famous beetle traps to repairing Winston Churchill’s heating radiators! They made or supplied windows, furniture, refrigerators, boilers, Chinese gongs, roofs, and weather vanes.

Benham & Froud Products - Moulds & Pans

  • Time To Read: approximately 17 seconds for 52 words
Benham & Froud MouldWe all know Benham & Froud and the fabulous copper cookware and jelly moulds they made, but the company was known for much more.

Benham & Froud Products - Various

  • Time To Read: approximately 17 seconds for 52 words
Benham & Froud KettleWe all know Benham & Froud and the fabulous copper cookware and jelly moulds they made, but the company was known for much more.

Beware There Is Acid About

  • Time To Read: approximately 2 minutes 40 seconds for 483 words
Brass Musical InstrumentsThe health of these instruments could be damaged by handling and playing. An alarming statement but true never-the-less.

Collecting Brass & Copper

  • Time To Read: approximately 10 minutes 58 seconds for 1,972 words
Coal ScuttleTraditionally country antique dealers stocked a good selection of brass and copper articles. In London alone there are shops given over almost exclusively to them. And yet at present, unless an article can be proved to be of earlier date than 1600 it is unlikely to have very great value. So you could start collecting brass and copper now quite easily and perhaps your heirs will ultimately reap the benefit.

Does Your Candlestick Look Like This

  • Time To Read: approximately 3 minutes 35 seconds for 645 words
Pitting CorrosionBy using old technology, eco unfriendly metal polish and equally old fashioned cleaning methods, your candlestick may end up looking like this. Why, because the metal polish you use probably contains ammonia or anhydrous as the liquid component and eventually this will be the result. Too many antique metal items are being defaced and destroyed by ignorance and down right cussedness. pH Neutral eco friendly metal polishes are available but people are reluctant to change from their good old traditional methods and metal polish that are both time consuming and expensive. Not convinced, then read further.

Gusums Bruk

  • Time To Read: approximately 6 minutes 46 seconds
Gusum Bruk CandlesticksGusums Bruk is a Swedish company with a long and problematic history. Nowadays Gusum Work’s traditions are living thanks to “Nordic Brass Gusum AB”, which continues to produce brass.

How Not To Polish A Metal Item

  • Time To Read: approximately 4 minutes 7 seconds for 739 words
Pitting CorrosionMost people choose not to polish a piece, based on the amount of work involved. Modern environment friendly metal polishes reduce re -polishing to a minimum and thus the amount of work involved.

How To Polish A Metal Item

  • Time To Read: approximately 1 minute for xxx words

William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare once wrote “To be or not to be, that is the question”. Alas we cannot improve upon Billy the Bard's quotation, but we have to ask the question 
To polish or not to polish, that is the question?
This is perhaps one of the most controversial and sensitive areas associated with antiques. Some specialists will say to polish whilst others will say not to polish, so there is little wonder that confusion exists.

Metal Polishing Myths

  • Time To Read: approximately 15 minutes 12 seconds for 2738 words
Myths, Half Truths & Lies
What is good metal polishing practice?
Is it true that the metal polishing industry deliberately perpetuates some of the myths and bad practices? In some cases perhaps, whilst in other cases it may just be common errors of judgement.
It is now possible to discover why brass and copper crack and why some polishes will deteriorate by themselves in good environments.
All will be explained so be ready to see some interesting facts.