History, Culture & Customs

American History Culture & Customs Article Count: 8

Styles and fashions have been copied, altered and adapted since time began and American antiques are no different. The development and evolution of the USA gave rise to unique styles and pieces combining practicality, abundance or scarcity of materials along with native American Indian influence.
British History, Customs, Culture & Traditions Article Count: 4

Styles and fashions have been copied, altered and adapted since time began and British antiques are no different. The development and evolution of Britain and the British has been greatly influenced not only by modernisation but also by the styles from many other countries. Unique styles combining practicality, abundance or scarcity of materials along with local influence gave rise to attractive and unique pieces.
Customs & Traditions Article Count: 1

Customs and traditions are intertwined with a country’s history and hence its people. A tradition is a practice that has been passed down through generations and is observed by the majority of people in a society or culture, whereas a custom can be short-lived and observed only at the family or individual level. Many customs are things that people do that are handed down from the past. Usually, the people come from the same country, culture, or religion, but they do not necessarily know when the custom started. Furthermore, while all traditions may qualify as customs, not all customs are traditions.