Viking Treasure Found In Scotland

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Viking TreasureThe first images have been released of Viking treasure buried in a Scottish field for more than 1,000 years. The objects were found inside a pot unearthed in a Galloway field and include a silver brooch from Ireland and silk from around modern-day Istanbul along with gold and crystal.
The items date from the 800's and 900's, and are part of a wider hoard of about 100 pieces, which experts say is the most important Viking discovery in Scotland for more than a century.
Before removing the objects the pot was CT-scanned, in order to get a rough idea of what was in there and best-plan for the delicate extraction process. That exercise offered us a tantalising glimpse but did not anybody for what was to come. These stunning objects provide us with an unparalleled insight to what was going on in the minds of the Vikings in Galloway all those years ago.
They tell us about the sensibilities of the time, reveal displays of regal rivalries and some of the objects even betray an underlying sense of humour, which the Vikings are not always renowned for.
The items, found by metal detectorist Derek McClennan in September 2014, and are now with the Treasure Trove Unit, which is responsible for assessing the value of the hoard on behalf of the Office of Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer.
The hoard will then be offered for allocation to Scottish museums, with Mr McClennan eligible for the market value of the find - a cost that will be met by the successful museum.
Viking Treasure Viking TreasureViking Treasure

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