The interest and indeed the value is in the lid and the image upon it. The rest of the pot does not really matter too much. And, with around 360 known images, there is a veritable smorgasbord of different patterns to choose from. Over 120 of the varied designs produced were taken from watercolours by Jesse Austin, and these can have a strong following today.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the centre of production for pot-lids was in the ceramic heartland of ‘The Potteries’, in Staffordshire. A number of makers produced them, including F & R Pratt, T.J. Mayer, J. Ridgway and Brown-Westhead & Moore, with F & R Pratt the most prolific. Like the pot itself, the maker does not make much difference to value or desirability, but it is always nice to know, even though you will need a reference book to find out.

The subjects printed on many lids gave a clue to their contents (Pegwell Bay for potted shrimps, floral subjects for ladies' cosmetics, bears for bear's grease etc), but others depict subjects as diverse as British and European landmarks, scenes from Shakespearean plays or the Crimean War.