Because there is so much choice of material, there are specialist collectors for all sorts of advertisements from engraved 1700s trade cards to pottery Guinness toucans, labels, posters, large enamelled metal street ´puffs´as they became known in the 1800´s, and shop signs such as barbers´ poles and opticians´spectacles.

Packaging is a vast subject and in the 1980s a museum devoted to advertising and packaging was set up in Gloucester, UK.
One of the most ephemeral of all advertising media is the cereal packet. From the 1930s there were cut outs to collect from their backs, and the few that were not destroyed or discarded are now sort after, as are some of the tin and plastic toys which came inside the packets. In recent years there has been a proliferation of painted and carved wooden signs, that shout ´fake´, even in theme pubs. Genuine pub signs on the other hand, are likely to be quite modern. When examined they are often more crudely executed than one might expect, after all they are not supposed to be seen close up. Enamelled metal signs are expensive, but are probably too complicated and time consuming for reproductions of them to be made.

Collectors have a wide choice and the smart ones can build a collection for nothing. House clearance skips can be raided for the chuck outs from the kitchen cupboards and there are not a few with an eye to the future who save the give aways that come with the cereal packets, complete with wrapping. Collectors have a wide choice of items to suit their tastes and their pockets.