Advertising & Packaging

Advertising and Packaging
Because there is so much choice of material, there are specialist collectors for all sorts of advertisements from engraved 1700's trade cards to pottery Guinness toucans, labels, posters, large enamelled metal street 'puffs' as they became known in the 1800's, and shop signs such as barbers' poles and opticians' spectacles. There are calendars, book marks and paper weights, clothes hangers, shoe trees, thermometers, ashtrays, biscuit tins, bar furnishings and beer mats, and among the first attempts to sell through attractive packaging was the pot lid.

Advertising Or Legalised Lies

  • Time To Read: approximately 1 minute 40 seconds
SalesmanIt is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. H.G. Wells made the famous statement that “advertising is a legalized form of lying”. While many people argue that advertisers exploit the emotions of people, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Adverts, Brands, Packaging & Puffs

  • Time To Read: approximately 2 minute 13 seconds for 400 words
Singer PuffAdvertising is as old as barter and the market place itself, and almost anything can and has been used as an advertisement. When it survives, the mass produced and supposedly ephemeral object can become rare and much prized.

Ceramic Pot Lids & Advertising

  • Time To Read: approximately 6 minute 17 seconds for 1131 words
Ceramic Pot LidPot-lids are one of the earliest forms of visual advertising that first made an appearance in the 1830's and continued until the 1910's. All types of consumer products, from toothpaste to meat paste and the amusing ‘bear’s grease’, (a healthy hair pomade, somewhat like hair gel), were packaged in small ceramic pots with lids. The lids were decorated with appealing images that, it was hoped, would help them sell more of their product.The same theory is still practised today by the advertising industry.

Enamel Signs

  • Time To Read: approximately 6 minute 25 seconds for 1157 words
Cashmere SoapBefore the advent of giant hoardings and huge printed posters, roadside advertising was much more restrained. In fact there is a song about the demise of corner shops which includes one verse:
On the walls enamel signs,
names of old to see.
Yorkshire Relish, thick or thin,
and Mazawattee tea.
Hudson´s soap, Robin starch,
bags of Reckitt´s Blue,
Sylvan Flakes and Oxydol,
and Nugget boot polish too.

Michelin Man

  • Time To Read: approximately 2 minute 20 seconds for 419 word
Vintage Art PosterThe Michelin tyre company created a mascot that has served as the textbook example of how to achieve corporate identity on a global scale.
Bibendum, as the Michelin Man became known, has been with us almost as long as the automobile itself.