Everything Else

Everything ElseA menagerie or collection of categories and topics that do not fit conveniently anywhere else.
The idea of an object having value due to its age is only about 100 years old. It may only be a coincidence that this corresponds to when the legal definition of an antique was established. Before that, except in the case of Greek and Roman antiquities, items were judged purely on their artistic merit, or how fashionable they were, age meant very little.
Very often furniture and other important works of art filtered down through the social strata as the landed gentry refurnished their houses. This frequently involved a complete updating, replacing not only the decorations but occasionally remodelling the fabric of the building as well. Some outdated or unfashionable furniture and other items were banished to the attic or the servants´quarters or simply dumped, to be recycled by the estate workers. Passed on down the centuries, and often altered on the way, these objects eventually find their way onto the market, sometimes without the current owner appreciating the value. The anticipation that an undiscovered treasure may be lurking in the next shop is part of the thrill of collecting.


Advertising and Packaging
Because there is so much choice of material, there are specialist collectors for all sorts of advertisements from engraved 1700's trade cards to pottery Guinness toucans, labels, posters, large enamelled metal street 'puffs' as they became known in the 1800's, and shop signs such as barbers' poles and opticians' spectacles. There are calendars, book marks and paper weights, clothes hangers, shoe trees, thermometers, ashtrays, biscuit tins, bar furnishings and beer mats, and among the first attempts to sell through attractive packaging was the pot lid.
Architectural Salvage
From a single piece to entire homes, buildings and factories, architectural salvage covers it all. Homeowners, landscapers, interior designers, restaurant and bar owners, retailers and set designers all desire or require architectural antiques and salvage from time to time. So whether you are seeking fireplace mantels, doors, steel frame factory windows, vintage chicken wire glass, salvage beams and flooring, farmhouse sinks, claw-foot tubs, wrought iron gates and fencing, lighting, nautical décor, industrial structures or salvaged aircraft parts, there is an architectural piece for everyone and every purpose.
Badges and SouvenirsAcquiring a badge or souvenir as a keep sake, a talking piece, one up man ship, or simply to remind oneself of happy memories of places visited and experiences of journeys previously undertaken. Today we use a camera or telephone to take photographs, but one wonders if the plethora of digital photographs will be as collectable in the future.
Beauty and Barber
Human beings have been adorning or improving their looks since the creation of time. From the need to remove unwanted body hair, to applying facial powders and lipstick to improve ones look, beauty has always played an important role in fashion and human development. Beauty, hygiene and grooming equipment is generally a neglected area of collecting. No longer do we use or manufacture beautiful cut glass silver topped perfume bottles because they have been replaced by modern packaging. Be that as it may, modern packaging is functional and practical rather than beautiful and useful.
Model Wooden  CarHere you will find general information about antiques, that applies across many different categories. from buying and selling tips to what to collect today that will become a sort after antique tomorrow. The reader will need to adapt the information depending on whether one is considering an antique car or an antique model of the car. Antiques is a very large and specialized subject where many books and much information is available. We cannot therefore do justice to the subject without writing yet another book on the subject, so this is only meant to be a brief introduction to an alluring and fascinating subject. The anticipation that an undiscovered treasure may be lurking in the next shop is part of the thrill of collecting.
Everything Else History Culture CustomsEating and drinking customs and habits help to define who we are. The Ale Warmer or Muller is a good example of a once common every day article that was developed to satisfy the desire for warm ale on a cold winter´s night. Even the tables where we eat our food and the chairs upon which we sit have evolved over time according to changing customs, habits and fashion. The very scenery and environment in which we live all influence who and what we are. Many will romanticise about the good old days, and for some they were just that, but for the many it was a time of drudgery, toil and hard work for little gain or financial reward.
Stars & Stripes
Styles and fashions have been copied, altered and adapted since time began and American antiques are no different. The development and evolution of the USA gave rise to unique styles and pieces combining practicality, abundance or scarcity of materials along with native American Indian influence.
Union Flag
Styles and fashions have been copied, altered and adapted since time began and British antiques are no different. The development and evolution of Britain and the British has been greatly influenced not only by modernisation but also by the styles from many other countries. Unique styles combining practicality, abundance or scarcity of materials along with local influence gave rise to attractive and unique pieces.
British Customs and Traditions
 Customs and traditions are intertwined with a country’s history and hence its people. A tradition is a practice that has been passed down through generations and is observed by the majority of people in a society or culture, whereas a custom can be short-lived and observed only at the family or individual level. Many customs are things that people do that are handed down from the past. Usually, the people come from the same country, culture, or religion, but they do not necessarily know when the custom started. Furthermore, while all traditions may qualify as customs, not all customs are traditions.
Stolen Goods Fakes and Treasure
We publish items of interest to keep people up to date with market trends. Even in affluent times, thieves and fakes abound. At any time, one cannot be too careful so we should all do what we can to protect our property. Fakes from Russia, China and elsewhere are becoming more frequent and more difficult to spot and the market is awash with these items. Specialist collectors and dealers have been genuinely caught, so research the subject before you part with any hard earned cash.
Writing CollectablesVintage fountain pens have been bought since the 1970s by a wide range of people for their personal use. Similarly, silver and gold mechanical propelling pencils, invented by Sampson Mordan in 1822, display an incredible level of decoration. However, many items, such as desk stands containing pen holders and pen wipers and similar, no longer have any practical use and are therefore only of interest to collectors. Desk stands depending on quality of manufacturer; detail, material and maker are still reasonably priced. Items produced by Parker and Waterman are the most desirable. Most examples to be found are from the Art Nouveau, Art Deco or Modern period in style and may also appeal to collectors of those periods. Stand-alone inkwells can still be found. Inkwells of animal or novelty shape remain popular, as are inkwells with unusual mechanisms to stop the ink running dry and to keep it level. Travelling writing sets were widely produced from the early 1800s and contained everything needed to write a letter, including pen, pencil, penholder, candle and seal. More complicated sets also include other items like a postal balance, tooth stick, coin gauge and tape measure, and these sets are reasonably valuable. Their actual value will mainly depend on age, quality of materials, manufacture and the complexity of the set, which should be as complete as possible. Travelling writing compendia are more compact versions, and generally contain just pen and ink in discrete compartments.