Old British Money
The British threepence or 3d coin, usually known as a threepence, thruppence, or thruppenny bit, was a unit of currency equaling one eightieth of a pound sterling, or three old pence sterling. The sum of three pence was pronounced differently, reflecting different pronunciations in the various regions of the United Kingdom.
Before Decimal Day in 1971 there were two hundred and forty pence in one pound sterling. Twelve pence made a shilling, and twenty shillings made a pound. Values less than a pound were usually written in terms of shillings and pence, e.g. forty-two pence would be three shillings and six pence (3/6), phrased as "three and six". Values of less than a shilling were simply written in terms of pence, e.g. eight pence would be 8d.
Circulation Value 180th of a pound sterling
Mass 6.8 g
Diameter 21.0 to 21.8 mm
Thickness 2.5 mm
Edge Plain
Material Nickel-Brass - 79% Cu, 20% Zn, and 1% Ni
George VI Threepenny


Elizabeth II Threepenny


There were various designs